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Endorsements and Testimonies


UNICEF Wash Chief Endorsement: “Fascinated by Hasar’s innovative approach to climate change and water scarcity.” — Dr. Ali Khateeb, after visiting Hasar’s projects.

ShaMaran Petroleum Corp Praise: “Hasar is the first startup in the Middle East to achieve such a milestone in tree planting.” — Dr. Adel Chouch, Former CEO of ShaMaran Petroleum Corp.

Recognition by Kurdish Water Authorities: The Government of Iraqi Kurdistan’s Water Authorities have officially recognized and endorsed Hasar’s wastewater recycling system for use across Kurdistan.

Letter of Recognition from Erbil Municipalities: The Head of Municipalities in Erbil has issued a formal letter of recognition, commending Hasar’s afforestation efforts.

Prime Minister of Kurdistan Government Support: The Prime Minister of the Kurdistan Government has publicly tweeted in support of Hasar, endorsing its wide range of activities.